80 Concepts Every Manager Needs To Know
My 40-year career in marketing has produced some knowledge and even a little wisdom. Re?ecting on the state of the discipline, it oc- curred to me that it is time to revisit the basic concepts of marketing. First, I listed the 80 concepts in marketing critical today and spent time mulling over their meanings and implications for sound business practice. My primary aim was to ascertain the best principles and practices for effective and innovative marketing. I found this journey to be ?lled with many surprises, yielding new insights and perspectives.
I didnt want to write another 800-page textbook on marketing. And I didnt want to repeat thoughts and passages that I have written in previous books. I wanted to present fresh and stimulating ideas and perspectives in a format that could be picked up, sampled, digested, and put down anytime. This short book is the result, and it was written with the following audiences in mind:
Managers who have just learned that they need to know something about marketing; you could be a ?nancial vice president, an executive director of a not-for-pro?t organization, or an entrepreneur about to launch a new product. Youmay not even have time to read Marketing for Dummies with its 300 pages. Instead you want to understand some key con- cepts and marketing principles presented by an authoritative voice, in a convenient way.
Managers who may have taken a course on marketing some years ago and have realized things have changed. You may want to refresh your understanding of marketings essential concepts and need to know the latest thinking about highperformance marketing.
Professional marketers who might feel unanchored in the daily chaos of marketing events and want to regain some clar- ity and recharge their understanding by reading this book. My approach is in?uenced by Zen. Zen emphasizes learning by eans of meditation and direct, intuitive insights. The thoughts in this book are a result of my meditations on these fundamental marketing concepts and principles.
Whether I call these meditations, ruminations, or cogitations, I make no claim that all the thoughts in this book are my own. Some great thinkers in business and marketing are directly quoted, or they directly in?uenced the thoughts here. I have absorbed their ideas through reading, conversations, teaching, and consulting.
Marketing Insights From A To Z
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